das Gehirn.info
Das Gehirn.Info
dasGehirn.info is the largest German-language website on the brain, mind and neurosciences with the aim of informing and fascinating the general public in a knowledgeable, quotable and understandable manner in texts, interactive graphics and animations.
248,000 monthly users (05/2020), lively social media channels, animated films that fascinate lay people as well as run in lecture halls, all speak to high street credibility. It results from a unique blend of high-quality, independent journalism, expert sponsorship by the Neuroscience Society (NWG), and impressive, often interactive graphic execution. In addition, the content is freely accessible to anyone for private and non-commercial purposes.
The goal of this cooperation is to provide interested laypersons and students with neuroscientific information in different levels of difficulty, illustrated along the research project of FOR 2879. In this way, the cooperation partners broaden the field of vision and understanding of neuroscientific research.